I generally like filling out forms. I think it’s fun when I am able to supply each question with a corresponding correct answer (haha I blame it on the obsessive compulsive gene that pushes me to be this way every day). Its structure appeals to me, which is why I fill out most of the forms for me and my husband (visa applications, bank application forms, even raffle coupons, that’s my thing). There is one question that really bugs me though, only because I can never seem to answer it properly. It’s ‘OCCUPATION’. I usually need a couple of seconds to answer this because I can’t seem to decide what to write. Is it model? Host? Writer? Blogger? Or maybe wife?! I feel like I don’t have a proper title to describe what it is I do, and I feel like it may always be this way (unless slasher is accepted as an answer).
In a lot of ways I think we all feel the same way about who we are and what we do. The word ‘occupation’ seems overly simplistic, because the reality is very complicated. We do so many things in a day to make ends meet. I mean, we aren’t just bankers, teachers, lawyers or housewives. There is more to us than that, as we constantly juggle many things to make life easier for others. We can easily come up with a long list of things that keeps us occupied on a daily basis, yet it doesn’t seem enough so we continue to push ourselves to do more. I certainly can’t fathom the idea of doing just one thing. I need to be productive, while being able to manage my household and relationships. Of course, we all know that we can’t do everything. There isn’t enough hours in a day! Yet we continue to try. In the process of trying however, some of us end up making ourselves the last priority. We forget to take care of ourselves, which is sad because we never forget to do our work, and responsibilities. Even other people’s favors come before our needs! I mean, if you can’t remember the last time you had an indulgent, pampering ME-day, well, then join the club of hardworking selfless gals. There are millions of us out there, attempting to do the impossible.
I love that there’s a brand who thinks of us when we don’t even remember to take care of ourselves. Sangobion recently held its #GoLoveLife Makeover Day for the lucky ladies who made a pledge to change their lives for the better. The forty winners were treated to a beauty day, courtesy of Shu Uemura and Blo Blow Dry Bar. So you can say it was a huge pampering party for all of us. We got to spoil ourselves for a day while looking our best–what a great event! Check out the photos.