Tips on how to get your kids to brush their teeth

I guess I should consider myself lucky, because Tristan actually likes brushing his teeth. We’ve been brushing his teeth from the moment his first ones sprouted out, and it has become a nightly habit for us–something we do before bedtime. I’ve made that decision early on that I wanted Tristan to grow up having nice, healthy white teeth, so I knew that I had to introduce brushing early.

Of course, it helps that he likes the taste of his toothpaste! He still cannot handle the minty freshness of our regular toothpaste, so he has his own version from Colgate, which is guaranteed safe for kids. On most days he actually asks for the toothbrush and toothpaste, because he wants to imitate mom and dad and brush his teeth himself (I am still amazed when he does this–he is only two years old). Also, he loves how small his toothbrush is–it is the perfect size for his tiny mouth.

I know introducing brushing to your child does not come easy for some parents (it may seem like a boring chore for some children), so I came up with a few suggestions to get your kiddos to brush their teeth.

Talk to them about the importance of oral care. Explaining how important brushing is may get them to do it regularly. As kids they don’t think that far ahead, but when you tell them what can happen they might think twice. P.S. Finding kiddie videos and songs on YouTube might help you explain it better.

Make it a family affair. Showing them how to do it has worked incredibly well for us, because Tristan is at that stage where he wants to imitate everything we do. So when mom and dad are brushing, Tristan is also brushing. We make it fun by laughing and singing with him–make it a happy experience so he will always want to do it.

Allow him to choose his own toothbrush. Buying the toothbrush and making him choose the color and characters on it might help make brushing a nightly thing. You can always remind him that he chose it, so he will hopefully use it.

Btw, Colgate Kids just came out with Minions toothbrush and toothpaste, so you might want to put it in his line of sight when he is choosing. The pack is super fun and so cute!
If you’d also like to have this cute toothbrush and toothpaste, you can get them from Lazada:

Click HERE to order Colgate Minions Kids 2.5 Years Old (Junior) Oral Care Pack.

And HERE to get Colgate Minions Kids 5-9 Years Old (Youth) Oral Care Pack.

Brushing doesn’t have to be a hassle. In fact, it can actually be a fun habit for you and your kiddos. Squeeze, brush and rinse, it is!


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